How Does Air Quality Impact Your Health?

Air Quality

At home, in the workplace, and outdoors, air quality features heavily in your health. People with asthma, for instance, are all too familiar with the effects of coming too close to tobacco smoke. But this isn’t the only air pollutant that can impact your well-being. Other triggers, such as household products, asbestos, radon, pesticides, HVAC systems, mold, and even pollen can affect symptoms or cause chronic conditions like asthma, allergies, and other issues. Avoiding air pollutants is preferable, of course, but, once a chronic disease has been triggered, it’s important to obtain the medication or other methods of disease control that can ease your symptoms. Also, of course, it’s important to remedy the issues that caused the conditions in the first place.

Air pollution triggers health concerns.


Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children, with nearly 50 percent of children with asthma reporting an asthma attack in 2015. But asthma can affect a person of any years of age. Irritants like tobacco smoke, airborne allergens, and other toxins in the air and environment can cause the sufferer’s airways to narrow as an asthma attack makes breathing difficult. Air pollutants can quickly become asthma triggers increasing the severity and frequency of asthma attacks or even sparking initial symptoms in those who haven’t suffered from the condition in the past. Other health concerns, including headaches, fatigue, dizziness, ear, nose, and throat irritation, other respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer can all be triggered by air pollutants.

Easing Symptoms Caused by Air Pollutants


One of the easiest ways to ease the symptoms of asthma and other conditions caused by toxins in the air is to remove yourself from the pollutants themselves. In some cases, this may be a simple fix, by removing the cause of the toxins in question. That being said, in other cases, it may be easier to stay away from your home, workplace, or other space with poor air quality while a professional work to fix the problem. Stay with a friend or family member to avoid further exposure or consider why a detox spa could be what you need to provide detoxification in a relaxing environment. Not only will some time at a detox spa allow you to boost your immune system, remove toxins from your system, and ease your symptoms, but it will give you a much-needed break from trying to fix the problem.

When Getting Away Doesn’t Help


Indoor allergens can cause long-term issues that, if not treated, can cause serious damage over time. If you’ve removed yourself from the irritants in question but aren’t seeing relief, it may be time to talk to your doctor. With the proper medication, therapy, and other treatments, you can ease the chest tightness, breathing difficulties, and other symptoms that come from asthma attacks, allergic reactions, and other conditions. Combine these medical remedies with spa treatments or other alternative methods you prefer to watch your symptoms lessen or even disappear.

Remedying the Causes of Air Pollution


Naturally, it’s just as important to treat the root cause of the issue at hand. Firstly, you must identify the toxins that are damaging your health. For example, if mold is the cause of your poor air quality, treat the issue at the source. Don’t just clean the mold itself, remove the moisture from the environment by installing a dehumidifier or fixing a leak. Cockroaches, dust mites, or another pest creating problems? Hire a professional to banish the bugs and remove the irritants in the process.

Whether you suffer from asthma or are at high risk for that or other conditions caused by environmental factors like air quality, it’s important to know what issues can be caused by these pollutants, treat the symptoms of those issues, and solve the problem that’s caused it in the first place. Identify the strongest risk factors affecting you and your environment and treat any issues as soon as possible to maintain the safest space possible.